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Organizational Announcement - Shaw Transport

We are pleased to announce that Hannah Burton and Randal Prosser will each take on the role of Transport Coordinator, Lantz Transport, effective immediately.

For the last two weeks, Hannah has stepped up and run the Lantz transport department by herself, with support from D.A. A huge thank you to Hannah and D.A. for keeping our wheels rolling. Randal put up his hand immediately for the vacant role, together with candidates from outside The Shaw Group. After a thorough review, we have offered Randal the role and we are pleased that he has accepted.

Starting May 7, Lantz Transport Dispatch will be a joint responsibility of Hannah and Randal. This will put us in a position where we can spend more time on the dispatching process, with a higher focus on service performance, efficiency, customer service and communication with the drivers and Shaw divisions. In addition, they will be concerned with improving our safety procedures, preventative maintenance of our equipment, KPI reporting and creating visibility for the Shaw divisions that use our services.

Please join me in congratulating both Hannah and Randal on their new positions. It goes without saying that, especially in the coming weeks, any support that can be given to Hannah and Randal will be appreciated.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Rene Van Houtum General Manager, Shaw Transport


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