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Safety Alert - Covid 19 and Cold & Flu Season

We are now in or entering some new seasons this time of year: the Fall Season, Hurricane/Storm season and lastly the dreaded cold and flu season. We are also starting to hear about a rise in Covid cases again in Canada lately. Acknowledging this, we need to do our best to protect ourselves and reduce the spread of illness in our workplaces.

We have all become well versed in Covid protocols over the past few years and we have learned much about preventing the spread of illness. Here are some familiar reminders of what we can do to protect ourselves and others in the workplace:

  • Wash your hands – This is probably the most simple and effective method of protecting yourself from germs. Wash your hands often and thoroughly (remember during covid the recommended time to wash hands was humming the “happy birthday” song twice or 20 seconds)

  • Vaccinations – Ensure you are up to date on Covid vaccinations and consider your flu shot for the coming season.

  • Ventilation – While weather is still nice, open a window, especially if you are in a room with several people.

  • Sneeze & Cough Control – Do not sneeze or cough into air around you, use a tissue or elbow. Don’t use your hand and spread the germs further.

  • Wear a mask if you are not feeling well – We still have plenty of medical grade masks available, if you are not feeling well, wear a mask, everyone will appreciate you for it.

  • As it was during the pandemic, employees should stay at home (or work from home if applicable) if they are feeling sick and/or test positive for Covid until symptoms subside.

  • Avoid large gatherings of people in small spaces- keep this in mind while scheduling meetings and consider using TEAMS rather than in person if possible.

While we have been enjoying our “freedom” again over the past year or so from strict rules and protocols that came with the pandemic, it is good to consider the above tips we are all familiar with to keep ourselves, our families, and our workplace healthy.

Thank You and Take Care,


Bill Reid

Vice President Health, Safety & Security


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